Local stories, global issues.
Although the show is made in Castlemaine and features people from this region, this movement is truly global. What one community is doing in rural Australia is what many communities are doing all around the world. What is possible here is possible elsewhere. What we have learned from watching and listening to other communities, others may learn from us.
After all, a grass roots movement is just a bunch of people who decided to get together, discuss ideas and then do something.

Tuesday Apr 28, 2020
Tuesday Apr 28, 2020
In this episode we speak with a funeral director and an artist about how we can exit this world with as little harm as possible. Libby Moloney from Natural Grace Funerals in Woodend talks about how she got into the industry of natural funerals and what is really possible in terms of our choices when it is time to return to the earth.
Then Helen Bodicomb talks to us about her fully biodegradable artwork which is also her future funeral shroud.
The image for this weeks show is of Helen's artwork 'Shroud' created in 2019.
Libby Moloney's funeral company Natural Grace:
Natural Death Advocacy Network
Dying to Know Day by the Groundswell Project
15 Trees Project
Egg shaped pod burial idea
Mushroom burial suit
Helen Bodicomb, artist

Tuesday Apr 21, 2020
Tuesday Apr 21, 2020
In this episode I speak with Deb Taylor about her sustainable business choices and her bike ride across the Nullarbor Plain. A six week journey across one of the most iconic Australian landscapes. She rode approximately 2,468 km from Port Lincoln in South Australia, to Busselton in Western Australia. I wanted to know why she wanted to do it and what it was like for her. From the practicalities of making a trip like that to the meaning of what it is to be a successful human being... join us.
Use Things:
La Spotiva running shoes:
Post Resante:

Tuesday Apr 14, 2020
Tuesday Apr 14, 2020
In today's show we have three interviews with people doing sustainable babies in very different ways. Firstly Joan Webster tells us how it was back in the day when you boiled a copper to wash all your clothes, including the cloth nappies (diapers). Then I speak to new parents Alex and Mark, about using washable nappies these days... finally I have a chat with Nickie and Miles about how they raised their daughter nappy free!
If you LOVE poo... listen to Episode 2 where we talk about sustainable ways to manage your dog's poo. And Episode 10 'coronavirus and Human Signs' where we looked at what to use when there is no toilet paper to be found. Stay tuned for future episodes about composting loos and how to do it right at festivals!
Some fast facts about nappies:
"Although disposable diapers need to be exposed to oxygen and sunlight to decompose, they do not degrade well in a landfill. What's more, disposable diapers take about 500 years to decompose. The millions of tons of untreated waste added to landfills each year through plastic diapers can contaminate ground water."
"Every child has about 6500 nappy changes, generating one tonne of plastic waste each. Damage is caused by nappies disintegrating into the environment, forming microplastics which can maim and kill fish, mammals and birds, and filter into the food chain for humans."
Diaper Free: The Gentle Wisdom of Natural Infant Hygieneby Ingrid Bauer
The Continuum Concept: In Search of Happiness Lostby Jean Liedloff
Washable Nappy advice website. They also have a great facebook page where you can ask your questions and get support:

Tuesday Apr 07, 2020
Tuesday Apr 07, 2020
In today’s episode I am talking to Chris Hain and Mel Willard about Food Security. Chris is the President of the Victorian Farmers Market Association and market manager at both Bendigo and Castlemaine markets. Mel is one half of Gung Hoe growers, with her partner in crime Sas Allardice. Gung Hoe Growers is the vegetable growing arm of the Harcourt Organic Farming Cooperative. I spoke to these guys in depth in 2018 in episode six of season one, it is one of my favourite episodes of that season, so I recommend you also listen to that:
Food security as a topic has been on the cards in terms of climate change since people first started thinking about it... but it has come up, as so many climate change related topics have, during this time of the corona virus with people panic buying seedlings, seeds and potting mix.
Victorian Farmers Market Association
Castlemaine Farmers Market
Bendigo Community Farmers Market
Harcourt Organic Farming Cooperative
Gung Hoe Growers
Gung Hoe interview from 2018
Another interview from 2018 with Katie and Ant – about organics and the importants of supporting local growers.
Further information about how the virus is impacting food security elsewhere in Australia:

Tuesday Mar 31, 2020
Tuesday Mar 31, 2020
In today's episode we talk with Peter Yates, who you might remember from episode seven when we spoke to him and his son Rory about their documentary When the River Runs Dry. Today we listen to an interview I did with Peter several months ago, back when the bushfires were the main topic and we had never heard of the coronavirus... remember that?
In this interview we begin our chat by talking about his life up to this point, a life that includes working with World Vision, travelling Australia with a young family in a gypsy wagon pulled by camels and working with indigenous rangers in land management. Later in the episode we unpack the ideas involved in Deep Adaptation which is a concept Peter had been thinking about and discussing with others. It is a topic made famous by Jem Bendell who published an academic paper in 2018 entitled Deep Adaptation: A Map for Navigating Climate Tragedy.
Deep Adaptation:
Coronavirus and Climate change:

Tuesday Mar 24, 2020
Tuesday Mar 24, 2020
In this episode we chat with two local author/illustrators.
Trace Balla is a Castlemaine local and much beloved author/illustrator who has produced multiple comic style books about young people learning about and thus learning to love nature. Her latest creation 'Landing with Wings' has just been released by Allen & Unwin.
J. M. Rodier is a Kyneton local and has just published her first book called 'Lanuola'. It is a whimsical and fantastical short novel for tweens with occasional illustrations all about the real problem of crown of thorn starfish in our reefs.
Coronavirus and the environment updates:
I'm really sorry to say it but some good news is fake news:
Also, if it ain't toilet paper then bin it or compost it but whatever you do, DON'T FLUSH IT:
Trace Balla:
Follow this link and scroll to the bottom of the page to get downloadable kids activities based on the book:
Links to indigenous groups mentioned by Trace:
J M Rodier:
or email her at: michellerodier61@gmail.com
Some info about the crown of thorns starfish and giant sea snails:

Wednesday Mar 18, 2020
Wednesday Mar 18, 2020
In this episode we explore the global phenomenon of the coronavirus, or Covid-19, and what it means for the environment. It touches on carbon emissions, pollution, waste management and personal choices about hand sanitiser and, of course, toilet paper!!
Then we move on to a collection of interviews I recorded in late February at the Hepburn Wind Farm as we all gathered to create a human sign to communicate the need for our govt to set targets that keep global warming below 1.5 degrees.
Soap and coronavirus:
Toilet paper alternatives:
(she is super excited to share with you - but don't be afraid, she runs through some good options)
Hygene advice from a Nona:
How to use a tabo with Mikey Bustos:
Mikey kindly let me use the whole song in this episode. He has many very funny you tube parodies. Check them out at: youtube.com/mikeybustosvideos
How Corona is affecting the evnironment:
Wind Farm and Human Sign Links:
John Knox the King of the Human Sign
Recommended Reading - Ross Garnaut "Superpower"

Friday Mar 13, 2020
Friday Mar 13, 2020
This week we spoke with Ilka White (artist), Dale Cox (artist) and Brodie Ellis (curator and artist). They are all involved in an exhibition about the climate crisis at Lot 19 Castlemaine called Upwelling.
Our conversation explores the concept of the show and how it was brought together by Brodie and the works made by Ilka and Dale, before moving on to look at what part art has to play in communicating about the Climate Crisis.
"This exhibition brings ancient and new knowledge, ideas, and actions to the surface of the climate change struggle. Science from a deeper understanding of the natural world will direct our survival plan for the future we are creating today."
Zoe Amor, Alvin Briggs, Dale Cox, Punctum Inc, Cameron Robbins with Maison Lapalus, Gretel Taylor & Leonie Van Eyk, Ilka White, John Wolseley
Curated by Brodie Ellis & Mark Anstey.
The gorgeous song in this episode - suggested by Ilka - is from a project called The Lost Words Spell Songs - who kindly gave us permission to use the full song in this podcast.
"The Lost Words: Spell Songs is a musical companion piece to The Lost Words: A Spell Book, the acclaimed work by authors Robert Macfarlane and Jackie Morris, responding to the removal of everyday nature words from a widely used children’s dictionary which grew to become a much broader protest at the loss of the natural world around us, as well as a celebration of the creatures and plants with which we share our lives, in all their characterful glory."
If people want to download The Blessing they can purchase as an individual track or entire album here: https://folkbytheoakrecords.com/the-lost-words-spell-songs

Thursday Mar 05, 2020
Thursday Mar 05, 2020
Dr Susie Burke (psychologist) and Kerrily Jennings (Community House) join us to discuss the controversy surrounding the council funded workshops at Castlemaine Community House. It surround a series of three workshops run by Susie which are all looking at how we humans are responding to climate change... see links below. The conversation ranges far and wide, with discussions on how parents can talk to kids about climate change, how different people cope with the emotions raised by the prospect of climate change and the role of civic engagement and personal responsibility.
The Courses at Community House:

Wednesday Feb 26, 2020
Wednesday Feb 26, 2020
In this episode, we discuss the documentary film 'When the River Runs Dry' made by a father son team from Maldon.
Only just released and already honoured with multiple awards, this film explores the 2019 mass fish kill event in the Darling River. In the first half of the episode we get a review of the film from Andrew Skeoch and Nathan Johnson, both locals deeply interested in nature. Andrew is a nature sound collector and Nathan is a conservationist. Then in the second half of the episode we discuss the film and the issues it raises with the filmmakers Peter Yates and Rory McLeod.
Trailer for the film:
Rory McLeod's website:
Andrew Skeoch (one of our reviewers) is a professional nature sound recordist: