
Created on Djaara Country. Salt of the earth people. Grassroots change. Find out more at

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Local stories, global issues.

Although the show is made in Castlemaine and features people from this region, this movement is truly global. What one community is doing in rural Australia is what many communities are doing all around the world. What is possible here is possible elsewhere. What we have learned from watching and listening to other communities, others may learn from us.

After all, a grass roots movement is just a bunch of people who decided to get together, discuss ideas and then do something.


S2 E6 Protest Part 2

Friday Feb 21, 2020

Friday Feb 21, 2020

In this episode we catch up with Eliza Tree.  She spoke to us in Episode 4 about the People's Climate Assembly gathering in Canberra that week. In this episode we hear about what happened up there and how it all went.  She also gives us an insight into the Climate Emergency Summit she attended last weekend in Melbourne.  In among all of that we catch a glimpse of the whimsy of author and illustrator Trace Bella's morning routine, foraging for her breakfast.
Note that the song was played in full during radio broadcast, but due to licencing issues cannot be played in full for the podcast.

S2 E5 Terry White

Wednesday Feb 12, 2020

Wednesday Feb 12, 2020

This is a get to know you episode with local climate activist and community change agent Terry White.  Hear about his story from being a kid wandering the wilds and developing a love of nature to what he is doing now to help push us and our local council towards change.

S2 E4 Protest

Tuesday Feb 04, 2020

Tuesday Feb 04, 2020

In this episode we discuss protest.  This week a contingent of locals took a road trip to Canberra to rally outside of parliament and a Castlemaine rally took place in support of the Canberra crew.  I wanted to know what they were protesting about and whether they really thought it would change anyone's mind.
The Totnes Extinction Rebellion Song

S2 E3 Transition Towns

Monday Jan 27, 2020

Monday Jan 27, 2020

In this episode, we start with what the frik is going on with recycling in this region!  Then move on to Transition Towns... what are they?  how can that be applied here? and what comes next?  I am joined by Mary Blain from MASG and Ian Lillington Premaculturalist, both of whom have been fans of the Transition Towns concept for over ten years!
Read more about the global movement that is Transition Towns here:
Find out the latest about Mount Alexander Shires recycling crisis here:

Monday Jan 20, 2020

In this episode we speak to Bill Grant who is a self confessed compost nerd and whose job it is to know all about waste.  We discuss why it is so important to keep organic waste out of landfill and what is REALLY going on with recycling.  We also delve into the controversial world of dog poo... if it stinks, we've covered it in this episode. 
Links mentioned in the episode below:
Compost instructions
Faye White
Recycle your shoes

Monday Jan 13, 2020

The first episode in a new series. Allie introduces us to the new series and puts it in the context of the devastating fires that have been out of control across much of Australia this season. 
We start with Deane Belfield, talking about the book Drawdown and how it can help us all avoid climate catastrophe. Then we are joined by Joan Webster OAM discussing bushfire safety.
Books mentioned:
Drawdown - edited by Paul Hawkins
This and other books mentioned that are by him can be seen at:
The Complete Bushfire Safety Book by Joan Webster
Essential Bushfire Safety Tips by Joan Webster

S1 E4 Plastic Free July Part 2

Tuesday Dec 10, 2019

Tuesday Dec 10, 2019

Recorded in 2018, this episode of An Environment for Change sees Allie, Mel and Rachel gather again at the end of their month of plastic free living.  They share stories and tips and things they have learnt over the month of July.  They reveal what worked and what didn't work, where they met success and where they had to compromise. 

Monday Dec 09, 2019

Three women chatting about plastic free July.  They are committing to varying levels of plastic free living and in this first episode discuss their thoughts before starting.

S1 E8 Chewton Primary School

Monday Dec 09, 2019

Monday Dec 09, 2019

In this episode of An Environment For Change we spoke to Julie Holden, principal of the Chewton Primary School.  Under her leadership the school has achieved a five star sustainability rating, the highest rating there is. Find out what she and her team and the students at Chewton Primary School have done to achieve this.

S1 E7 Castlemaine Repair Cafe

Saturday Aug 25, 2018

Saturday Aug 25, 2018

In this episode of An Environment for Change I speak with Chris Hooper about the Castlemaine Repair Cafe.  She has been running a monthly Repair Cafe in Castlemaine for over a year and they have saved over 600kg of waste from being thrown out; objects, clothing and mechanical items that can now live to see another day.  I speak to Chris about how it all started, how it works and where it is going. I also spoke to some of her repair volunteers, who talk about what it is like to be a repairer, why they do it and some of the things they have been asked to repair.

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